CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS: (All items subject to change)
Upper Deck is excited to announce another series to our beloved publishing set Marvel Beginnings Volume 2 series 2! Marvel Beginnings merges the throwback-inspired history of the Marvel Universe filled with everyone’s favorite characters. Ranging back from 1939 to the present day, with new technology and thematic designs to showcase fan-favorite characters, incredibly rare comic clippings, and creator autographs from Marvel Legends.
• 180- Character Card Base Set featuring a staggering 540 characters from the publishing universe spread amongst our 1,2,3 series.
• Uncover Comic Clippings from some of publishing’s most memorable moments.
- Look for versions with limited serial numbering and Autographed cards!
• New eye-catching Inserts
- Holograms featuring Superheroes and Villains derived from Marvel’s publishing library.
- Glitz & Glam with a Gold Parallel featuring strong female characters featured in the Marvel Universe.
- Search for Micro Motion with motion coat technology!
PACK HITS (On Average)
▪ 6 Base Set Cards
▪ 2 Colored Base Set Parallels
BOX HITS (On Average)
▪ 3 Rainbow Foil Parallels
▪ 3 Illustration Board Cards
▪ 3 Flipped FX Cards
▪ 5 Fun Thematic Inserts:
o Heavyweights, Gods of Marvel, Swordsmen, and Cosmic Annihilation!
CASE HITS (On Average)
▪ At least 7 from the following:
o Flipped FX #’d Parallels – Blue, Red, Orange, Black, and Gold; First Appearance Variants – Rare, Super Rare, and Hyper Rare Cards.
▪ Expect these from the following:
o Comic Clippings, Buybacks, Creator Autographs, and Original Sketch Cards.
▪ Micro Motion Cards
▪ Glitz & Glam Insert Cards
o Gold Parallel
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